League Game Types: (All Game Types)
- Scramble (1/2 average Handicap of team)
- Classic
- Shamble
- Best Ball
- Match
- Stroke
- Stroke Play
- Everyone for themselves
- 1v1
- 1v1v1
- 1v1v1v1
League Rules:
- No matches will remain in a tie. Tiebreakers will be broken by either a playoff hole, putt off, or closest to the pin.
- A full 9 or 18 holes must be completed for the score to count. (Rain delays etc) Holes not completed may be completed at a later date.
- Regularly schedules matches will occur every Tuesday, however extra league matches may be played at any time as long as multiple league members are present, it is posted on the League Facebook Group, and all members who are playing agree that it will be a league match beforehand.
- Lost ball, 2 strokes and place on fairway. (Unless indicated by hazard stakes,
- Gallery Rules apply for a free drop. It all members of group agree that ball should be in a playable area* and should be playable but can’t find it.
- Gallery Rules apply for free relive on a bad lie.(Ground under repair not marked, or a divot hole). Relief may be taken no closer to the hole with no penalty
Scoring Format:
- All players start off with 100 points. - Every round played (9 or 18 holes) each player will put one point on the line. This remains consistent no matter which game or how many players you are playing against.
- A minimum amount of games played/points risked will be required for a players score to be valid. This number will be determined near the start of August.
- The amount of points won in a match are determined by how many players you are playing against and the format of the game. The point distribution is laid out below.
- Singles Matches with 0-4 players
- 1st Place 1-3 Points
- 2nd Place 0 Points
- Singles Matches with 5-8 players
- 1st Place ___ Points
- 2nd Place ___Points
- Singles Matches with 9-12 players
- 1st Place ___ Points
- 2nd Place ___Points
- Singles Matches with 13-16+ players
- 1st Place ___ Points
- 2nd Place ___Points
- 3rd Place ____Points
- Doubles Matches with 4 players
- 1st Place 1 Point Each
- Doubles Matches with 6 or 8 players
- 1st Place 2-3 Points Each
- 2nd Place 0 Points
- Doubles Matches with 10 or 12 players
- 1st Place 3-4 Points Each
- 2nd Place 1 Point Each
- Doubles Matches with 14 or 16+ players
- 1st Place ___ Points Each
- 2nd Place ___Points Each
- Threesomes Matches with 6 players
- 1st Place 1 Point Each
- Threesomes Matches with 9 players
- 1st Place 2 Points Each
- Threesomes Matches with 12 players
- 1st Place 2 Points Each
- 2nd Place 1 Points Each
- Threesomes Matches with 15+ players
- 1st Place ___ Points Each
- 2nd Place ___Points Each
- Foursomes Matches with 8 players
- 1st Place 1 Point Each
- Foursomes Matches with 12 players
- 1st Place 2 Points Each
- Foursomes Matches with 16+ players
- 1st Place ___ Points Each
- 2nd Place ___Points Each
- Singles Matches with 0-4 players